Notice of Decision: Approved >Notice of New Application > PLSTR20220781 > Type II 3-Bedroom STR in RS Zone

APPLICANT: Richard Edward Hassay
LOCATION: 2779 NE Broken Bow Drive; Lot 2 Block 1 of the Choctaw Village
Subdivision; Further Identified as Tax lot 05000 on Tax Map 17-12-28AA.
REQUEST: A Type II Administrative Review for a 3-bedroom whole-house Short Term Rental (STR) in the Standard Density Residential (RS) Zone.
STAFF REVIEWER: Bobbie Van Tassel; Assistant Planner

Comments must be directed toward the criteria that apply to this request and must reference the project number. Failure to raise an issue with sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue, precludes appeal based on that issue. Written comments may be emailed to the Staff Reviewer listed above, or by mail to the City of Bend Planning
Division, 710 NW Wall St., Bend, Oregon 97703. Written comments must be received or postmarked by November 14, 2022.

Learn more HERE. Notice of Decision HERE.