REVISED: Notice of Public Hearing > PLTEXT20220451 > Proposed Amendments to the Bend Comprehensive Plan

CITY COUNCIL HEARING REVISED DATE: Wednesday, January 18, 2023
HEARING 710 NW Wall Street, Bend, OR 97703 or remote, via a virtual
LOCATION: meeting platform
APPLICANT: City of Bend
PROPOSAL: The City of Bend is proposing amendments to the Bend Comprehensive Plan, Transportation System Plan (TSP) and Bend Development Code (BDC). The proposed amendments are primarily to provide consistency between the BDC and the recently adopted TSP and updated City of Bend Standards and Specifications. In addition, the proposed amendments include house-keeping amendments in other sections of the code for consistency and clarity. The amendments are to the Bend Comprehensive Plan Chapter 7, Transportation Systems, Chapter 9, Community Appearance and Chapter 11, Growth Management, and Transportation System Plan (TSP) Chapter 5, Transportation Projects and Programs and Bend Development Code (BDC) Chapters 1.2 Definitions, 2.1 Residential Districts, Chapter 2.2, Commercial Zoning Districts, 2.3, Mixed-Use Zoning Districts, 2.4, Industrial Zoning Districts, 2.6, Public Facilities Zoning District, 2.7, Special Planned Districts, Refinement Plans, Area Plans and Master Plans, 3.1, Lot, Parcel and Block Design, Access and Circulation, 3.2, Landscaping, Street Trees, Fences and Walls, 3.3, Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking, 3.4, Public Improvement Standards, 3.5, Other Design Standards, 3.6 Special Standards and Regulations for Certain Uses, 3.8 Development Alternatives, 4.1, Development Review and Procedures.

Learn more HERE. Revised notice HERE.