Time, Date, and Location of Meeting:
The meeting will be held on Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held on-line via ZOOM. To participate:
o Before the scheduled meeting date, ensure that you can access the Zoom on your computer, tablet, or smart phone (for issues refer to www.zoom.us).
o To participate in the meeting at the scheduled time, type the following link into your web browser.
o You can also participate on via telephone by calling into (253) 215 8782 / Meeting ID: 8648390 9158, however you will need to be on-line to view the visual presentation.
The property is centrally located in the City of Bend. It is located at the western terminus of NE Penn Avenue; at the southwest corner of the intersection of NE Penn Avenue and NE 1st Street. The Burlington Northern Railroad tracks abut the property to the west. The property has been assigned
the address of 1565 NE 1st Street and it is identified as 171232AA00400 by the Deschutes County Tax Assessor.
Learn more HERE.